Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

This week marks Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust they are launching our biggest campaign yet.

Together, we can work towards a day where cervical cancer is a thing of the past.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust are raising awareness of the role of HPV vaccines and cervical screening in preventing cervical cancer and talking about what steps the UK needs to take to eliminate cervical cancer.

Cervical screening saves lives, preventing up to 7 in 10 incidences of cervical cancer. Despite this, almost 1 in 3 do not attend their cervical screening (smear test) when invited.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust are using this week to share support and tips to help people address common barriers to screening.

I implore constituents to take the opportunity to get screened when asked. Please visit Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust | Cervical Cancer Charity (jostrust.org.uk) for more information!