Question to the Security Minister

It is deeply heartbreaking to hear about the litany of failures that led to the Southport Attack. The same institutional failings that led to my constituents, Jan and Gary Furlong, losing their wonderful son James in the Forbury Gardens attack. We must break down the siloes between agencies and government departments, without this we cannot […]

NHS Confederation – health and care leaders drop in

On the 22 May, I was pleased to meet health and care leaders at a parliamentary drop-in session hosted by the NHS Confederation and sponsored by Steve Brine MP, Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee.  We discussed the work they are doing to provide high-quality services and improve population health, but also […]

Update on Kings Leadership Academy Wavertree

Following approval of the DfE’s planning application, I held a roundtable meeting last week with senior officials from Liverpool City Council, the Department for Education and the Great Schools Trust  as part of my efforts to help get Kings Leadership Academy Wavertree open as soon as possible. Our discussion was constructive, but it was unfortunately […]

Public consultation on the closure of ticket offices extended

The public consultation on the closure of ticket offices in England, which was due to end last month, has now been extended until September 1st. The extension will allow for more people to have their voice heard over the issue. As you know, I strongly oppose the suggested closures as it will lead to job losses, a diminished […]

Local Rail Ticket Office Closures

I am disappointed at the Government’s decision to close hundreds of railway station ticket offices across the country. This will lead to job losses and a diminished service for travelling commuters across the network. The changes being proposed across the North West and our own Liverpool City region are profound. Ultimately, this is a plan […]

Paula Disappointed at Avanti Franchise Renewal

On behalf of my constituents, travelling commuters and our North West region, I find myself angry and disappointed at the decision to renew the franchise for Avanti trains on the West Coast mainline. They have manifestly failed to deliver a service that is acceptable for the travelling public. As passengers, we are entitled to expect […]

International Women’s Day 2023

Today marks International Women’s Day 2023. Despite all the progress we have made as a society, we still have a long road ahead in the fight for equality. As I said earlier today on my social media channels, working-class women continue to inspire me each and every day. We do indeed walk on the shoulders […]

Important Changes to the way you Vote

IMPORTANT CHANGES TO WAY YOU VOTE Voter ID at polling stations To cast your vote at a polling station in the local elections on 4th May 2023, you will need to show an accepted form of photographic identification. This is a result of the introduction of the Elections Act. Accepted forms of photo ID for voting […]